New Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104 | Toronto, Ontario | M5V 3B7 | 416 369 4165
Minden Gross LLP is primarily business-oriented, providing representation and assistance in the three broad areas of real estate, corporate and commercial transactional and litigation services.
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330 Front Street West, Suite 104 Toronto, ON M5V 3B7
NOTICE: New Mailing Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104, Toronto, ON M5V 3B7.
Nov 20, 2017
Real Estate lawyer Reuben Rosenblatt was a speaker and a member of a panel discussion at the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) Fall Education Seminar on the topic "Cases That Really Scare Me (The Glorious Uncertainty of the Law)". The Seminar took place at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto on November 8, 2017. It was organized by the National Judicial Institute.