New Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104 | Toronto, Ontario | M5V 3B7 | 416 369 4165

NOTICE:  New Mailing Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104, Toronto, ON  M5V 3B7. 


ATTENTION: Your use of the Minden Gross LLP website (the "Website") is subject to the terms and conditions set forth under the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy below. By using the Website, you agree that you accept and will abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not use the Website. The terms and conditions may change from time to time and it is your responsibility to check for such updates.

Legal Notice


The information provided on the Website (the "Content") is protected by copyright © Minden Gross LLP. All rights reserved. Minden Gross may update and/or modify the Content at any time and without notice.

Minden Gross hereby authorizes you to display on your computer, download, and print pages of the Website and the Content, subject to the following provisions: (i) the Content may not be altered in any manner; and (ii) the Content is only to be used for personal educational and non-commercial use and will not be redistributed, broadcast, or copied to any other media.

The Content is offered free of charge strictly on an "as is" basis and is intended to provide users with general information only. Minden Gross does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or fitness of the Content for any particular purpose. Although Minden Gross is committed to updating the Content, such Content may no longer be accurate as a result of the passage of time, legislative changes, or recent court decisions. The Content does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion on any subject matter. If you wish to obtain legal advice, please contact a member of Minden Gross or your own qualified legal professional.

For your convenience and information only, the Website may provide links to third party websites. You acknowledge that when you click on a link to a third party website, you will be leaving the Website and assume the risks inherent in doing so, including risks of personally identifiable information being collected without your consent and damages caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses, or other destructive/disruptive code ​that may be downloaded from such linked websites. Minden Gross has not verified the nature or accuracy of the information contained on such third party websites and assumes no liability for any damages you may suffer from visiting such third party websites.

If you breach any of these terms and conditions, your authorization to use the Website automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed Content.

Electronic Communication

C​ommunicating with Minden Gross LLP via electronic communication does not mean the firm is acting on your behalf. Persons do not become clients of the firm unless and until the firm agrees to act for the person and that representation ​is confirmed in a retainer agreement or retainer letter in accordance ​with Minden Gross LLP policies.

Additionally, unless you are an existing client, no information provided via electronic communication will be considered confidential.