New Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104 | Toronto, Ontario | M5V 3B7 | 416 369 4165
Minden Gross LLP is primarily business-oriented, providing representation and assistance in the three broad areas of real estate, corporate and commercial transactional and litigation services.
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330 Front Street West, Suite 104 Toronto, ON M5V 3B7
NOTICE: New Mailing Address: 330 Front Street West, Suite 104, Toronto, ON M5V 3B7.
Apr 18, 2017
Litigator Catherine Francis published "Solicitor-Client Privilege in Bankruptcy" in the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals' (CAIRP) magazine Rebuilding Success.
L'article est aussi disponible en français: "Secret professionnel de l'avocat dans les dossiers de faillite".